

Our varied daily lunch and tea menu offers a wide variety of cuisines introducing the children to food and tastes from all over the world. It is prepared fresh daily and follows the government guidelines with regard to health and nutrition.  We can also accommodate all dietary requirements and allergies.

We believe that mealtimes are a great opportunity to extend the children’s independence. As such, we encourage them to set the table, serve themselves, use their manners and even tidy up afterwards!

Our meal plans each day includes:

  • Breakfast of cereal, toast and milk
  • Mid-morning snack of fruit, yoghurt, breadsticks and organic cheese including water/milk
  • Two course hot cooked lunch
  • Mid-afternoon snack fruit, yoghurt, breadsticks and organic cheese including water/milk
  • A cold tea including fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Drinking water is also provided throughout the day.
  • Milk – cow, formula, soya or goat as required